Vision Improvement Coach (Vic)
Coaching Club

The Vic Coaching Club is a unique opportunity for you to get the coaching help you need and stay on track with your vision improvement.

It’s designed to help you deepen your understanding of the vision improvement process, keep vision improvement consistent in your life until you get the results you want, and support the bigger vision of Vision Improvement Coach.

As part of the Coaching Club, every week you’ll receive new coaching topics.

A mix of articles, ideas, recordings, videos, guided visualizations, vision improvement experiments… and always an action for your vision improvement personal practice.

In this way, vision improvement will stay top of mind in your life and not get set aside and forgotten in the busy-ness of your world.

One of the biggest holdups to seeing success with vision improvement is consistency.

But by being a part of the Coaching Club, you’ll position yourself to keep vision improvement alive and consistent in your life.

If you’ve been through the Reclaiming Natural Vision Series, then you know the lay of the land. You know the foundations of the vision improvement process. 

There was a lot of information in that series alone.

And you can take the understanding, insights, and activities and run with them.

That series covered universal principles and patterns that emerge in vision improvement.

And while it’s all good, and the place to start, you are unique. Your life, your vision, and the way the vision improvement process unfolds for you will be unique to you.

The principles and universals are helpful… and ultimately, your experience will be uniquely yours.

What delivers the most relaxation, and how you strain to see, are particular to you.

There are as many ways to strain eyesight as there are people with eyes. And sometimes those old habits of strain, trying to see, and staring, can die hard.

Sometimes it takes diligence, perseverance, and creativity to get your mind back to a place of effortlessness and ease with how it sees the world.

That’s why having someone to share the experience with, and get feedback and guidance, can be a critical component to success.

And as part of the Coaching Club, you’ll have access to coaching and support, from me, via email.

As you experiment with implementing the Routines and Habits into your daily life, and as you get continued weekly vision improvement topics to work with, email support will help guide your process.

Everyone responds differently to vision improvement.

It can make all the difference to have someone help you troubleshoot and iterate through the experiences that you’re having. Someone to share celebrations, successes, and frustrations.

In a broad stroke, the Coaching Club gives you a place to practice.

And with new weekly coaching topics, it makes sure that vision improvement stays in the forefront of your week.

And access to personalized email coaching helps you move past any spots where you might get hung up along the way.

On one level, the Coaching Club is designed to help you stay consistent with the Routines and Habits, stay in action with vision improvement, deepen your understanding of the process, and get the personal coaching attention you need to progress and see success.

If you already know that will benefit you, and you’d like to join the Coaching Club, then I’m happy to have you on board.

Click this link here and it will take to you to a secure checkout page and you can get started right away.

The Coaching Club is $10 a month.

And hopefully you see the value in what the Coaching Club provides.


Jason Stuck

Vision Improvement Coach

Look up and away. Breathe. Blink. Then come back!