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Look up and away. Breathe. Blink. Then come back!

Mar 25, 2020

"You get what you repeat..." This one stung a little for me

From James Clear, Atomic Habits....

"Your outcomes are a lagging measure of your habits. Your net worth is a lagging measure of your financial habits. Your weight is a lagging measure of your eating habits. Your knowledge is a lagging measure of your learning habits. Your clutter is a lagging measure of your cleaning habits. You get what you repeat."

Not sure about you, but that one had a little bit of a sting for me when I read it.

But I think he's right in a lot of ways... certainly when it come to natural eyesight.

For a little context...

James Clear is the 'habit guy.'

And his book Atomic Habits teaches "...you how to make the small changes that will transform your habits and deliver remarkable results." https://jamesclear.com/

If you struggle with any of those things mentioned in the first quote up there... finances, health, weight, knowledge, clutter, or because you're here, eyesight... it's not there to make you feel bad.

I felt a little bad. Especially that clutter part. Don't get me wrong, all of them shook me a little.

I bet I could have better habits, and outcomes, with finances, eating, exercise, productivity... But the clutter. Man.

Like many right now, I've been home a bit more recently. And being home makes it painfully obvious... looking around at all of my clutter. Where does it all come from? Where should I put it?

How did it happen...? Lagged measure of habits I reckon.

And even though it can be painful to admit, it's ultimately empowering.

Because you can choose to change your habits.

I often equate the process of improving eyesight naturally to two things...

Mar 25, 2020

"You get what you repeat..."

Bringing relaxation to your strained visual system with specific Relaxation ActivitiesAnd building proper Visual Habits that help you use your mind and eyes in a relaxed way All Day Long, during any activityBoth become habitual.

Your results are driven by the habits you develop.

When do you practice the Big 3 - Sunning, Swinging, and Palming?

When do you go without lenses? Or read your eye chart?

How are you building the good visual habits of Sketch, Breathe, Blink (SBB)?

Those habits bring relaxation and proper use of your mind and eyes to see clearly with natural vision.

Your current eyesight is a lagging measure of your visual habits. And that goes for both of us. If we don't like what we see, or how we see, we can change it.

Change your habits, change your outcomes.


Jason 'my desk is cluttered, and I don't like to admit it' Stuck

Vision Improvement Coach

p.s. If you don't know about the Big 3... Don't have an eye chart, don't know how to go without glasses safely and effectively... or have no idea what in the world SBB, Sketch, Breathe, and Blink means...

Don't worry. Don't try to do too much at once. One step at a time. Build good habits around what you do know to do for your eyesight already, and let me know what you need help with. I'll do my best to get you there.

Mar 24, 2020

What 'catches your eye' when seeing the way nature intended

Here's what happened when I did it...

I did do it. Not everyday. But most days. Most days I could remember.

A lot of the process of improving your eyesight naturally comes down to remembering to do it.

So, this past week, I did my best to remember to slow down and 'come to my senses' when I left the house and walked through the door.

If you missed that email, the one about imagining you're a cat, and slowing down to 'come to your senses' when you cross the threshold of your door, before rushing off into the world... you can find it here...


It's easy to get busy, it seems.

Always thrashing about trying to get to the next thing, and then miss so much along the way. But this practice of stopping, and pausing for a moment when leaving the house, lets you tune into your senses.

There are many benefits to a practice like this one, but here's something I've enjoyed discovering this week while pretending to be a cat surveying the land before striking out on an adventure.

This little guy in my yard...


The dark-eyed junco is a little bird that likes to spend time on the ground. It has a beautiful slate colored back and always flitting about in the bushes on the edges of my yard. They also have distinctive bright white tail feathers that flash a striking contrast to the surrounding colors and textures of the ground and bushes.

It's quite interesting spending time, even a few moments, with the juncos in the morning. Their habits, postures, and movements effortlessly activate your eyes and mind the way nature intended.

Here's what I mean...

They're small. And they blend in. But they're always on the move. And when they take flight, even small hops of almost flight on the ground, their bright white tail feathers flash.

If you pause on your porch to survey the world, and Shift your eyesight around your yard for a moment, and you have Juncos, their tiny fast movements, and the flash of their white tails, instantly grabs your attention.

It's almost like a reflex. The movement 'catches your eye' and you can't help but turn your head to look directly at it. You have to turn to the movement, and the flash of white, to discover what it was flitting and flashing about.

Seems simple, right?

But here's why it's significant to improving your eyesight naturally.

Mar 24, 2020

What 'catches your eye' cont...

... Stopping long enough to 'come to your senses,' and Shift and look around your yard, gives your mind a chance to catch up to what your senses take in.

... The movements, the flitting and flashing of the junco, activate your perception of Movement with your peripheral rods - the cells in your eyes that detect Movement.

... When a Movement catches your interest and curiosity, you Centralize - you turn your head and eyes to look directly at the thing you want to see clearly, with distinct detail - and activate the cones in your eyes. Cones detect color and detail.

The rods are in the periphery.

The cones are in the center.

When you have strained eyesight, and poor eyesight, both the perception of Movement and detail are compromised.

When you practice vision improvement routines, you release the strain at the root of poor eyesight, and you re-member the experiences of movement and detail.

And then...

When you walk out into your yard, or stroll down a wooded lane, you can't help but notice movement. And when that movement 'catches your eye' you can't help but turn to Centralize.

It turns out that your eyes were made to find the junco.

And it's a worthy find.

Not only does the junco help you come back to using your eyesight naturally in the world, but the little guy is quite beautiful. And this time of year, at least here in the mountains of Southwest Colorado, if you listen for it, you can hear the distinctive trill of the male singing and filling the silence with sounds that somehow... just make you feel good.


Jason 'junco lover' Stuck

Vision Improvement Coach

p.s. You don't have to have juncos in your yard to experience what I'm talking about. When you pause to be present with your senses...

Notice movement... and then Centralize.

And then, tell me what you find. Who's moving around the edges of your yard?

p.p.s. Success with natural vision improvement really does come down to remembering to do it. The 'come to your senses' activity here, and in last week's email, is great. It helps bridge the gap between Palming and Swinging in your quiet, dedicated, vision improvement room with an eye chart on the wall, and living and seeing in the world.

However, it is not a core routine of natural vision improvement.

Keep up the core routines. Remember to take time, everyday, for Palming, Swinging, Sunning, and reading your eye chart.

If you need help with any of those... let me know. Especially if they don't seem to be 'working' for you, or you haven't been able to find the time to 'fit them in.'

Mar 08, 2020

Slow down to 'come to your senses' and see the way nature intended

Nature has a way.

Nature has a way for us to use our eyes to see without effort and with natural clarity.

And when I say use your eyes, I mean use your Mind and Eyes. Because Vision is predominantly mental... a mental thing.

Here's a Routine to try on. One that will help you slow down long enough to 'come to your senes.'

To help you pause and take joy and curiosity in the variety, movement, and beauty your senses take in.

It's a process of remembering to be present to your sensory experience of the world.

Try this when you leave your house next time.

Instead of blasting through the door and rushing to your car, with your head down and your mind occupied with busy chatter...

Before speeding out into the world for the day...

Pretend you're a cat.

When you let a cat outside, it will often pause and take a look around before darting off in a direction for an adventure.

Like humans, a cat's eyesight is its dominant sense. They use their eyesight to navigate the world effectively.

Different from a dog, say, who might have good eyesight, but whose dominant sense is smell. With its great big snout and nose.

Humans - and cats - great big open round eyes.

We use our sight to navigate the world.

It is heartbreaking that so many people's navigation systems have broken down. Their natural equipment compromised and hindered by unnatural strain and debilitating 'machines of seeing.'

But, back to being a cat...

When you cross the threshold to the outside world, pause.

Stop and take a look around before launching off into the busy-ness.

Take a little inventory of the world.

What do you see?

What do you hear?

Can you feel the breeze on your cheek?

Pause long enough to 'come to your senses' and notice what you see.

Notice the richness of colors in your landscape. The shapes. The movements. Textures.

Pause long enough to revel in the beauty and wonder of what your senses take in.

Take the time to pause long enough to be present with your eyesight - and thank it for always being there, doing its thing.

And know, that by practicing natural vision improvement Routines and Habits - you're helping your eyesight do its thing better and easier - the way nature intended.


Jason 'thought I was a cat' Stuck

Vision Improvement Coach

Mar 08, 2020

The most important eye exercise of them all

If you had to pick one...

One exercise to help improve your eyesight, above all others.

I don't really like the word exercise. In fact, natural vision improvement is not really about eye exercises... or exercises at all.

It's about activities, routines, and habits that release visual strain and secure relaxation.

Now, with that said, which routine, habit, or activity is the best?

There is one that I recommend above all others, regardless of what you visually struggle with.

There is one activity you should be doing, everyday, to improve your own eyesight, and use your vision the way nature intended.

But, which one is it?

Before I give you the answer, the keys to the natural vision kingdom... Do you have a guess?

Can you guess which one I recommend above all others?

Swinging? Palming? Sunning?

Or maybe that weird, seeming elusive (possibly illusive) Central Fixation?

Pick one.

Pick one you think is the most important for improving eyesight, and I promise I'll give you my honest answer below.

Pick your best guess, or what you've found through experimenting, and then scroll down past the line to find my answer.

Mar 08, 2020

The most important eye exercise of them all

Here's the one I pick every time.

And I'm serious.

Do this one thing if you really want to improve your own eyesight.

The one activity you should be doing, above all others is...

The one that brings you relaxation.

I'll repeat for emphasis of importance...

The most important vision improvement activity you should be doing is the one that brings you relaxation.

It's possible to strain while Palming. You can still try to stare while Swinging. Central Fixation can drive you mad if you're trying to see one thing best.

However, when done properly, all of the vision improvement activities bring rest and relaxation to the mind and eyes.

Sometimes though, when doing them incorrectly, they only create more strain and stress, and do you know good.

If that happens...

If you find yourself bored and restless while Palming...

Or worrying about 'seeing something out there' while Swinging...

If you're stressed, worried, or strained doing an eye activity, then stop. Stop and do something else. Do something different. Do something that brings relaxation.

Sometimes our minds can be picky. Sometimes we're not ready to sit down and Palm. Sometimes you've got to shift it up if the activity you're doing isn't bringing the desired result.


If you're struggling with a particular activity or routine...

If you consistently have trouble with practicing with the eye chart, for example, then reach out and let me know what's going on.

Sometimes it's a matter of changing up how you approach a particular routine so you get better results.

If it's not bringing you relaxation, either stop and do something else, or reach out for guidance on how to do the activities properly, and make them more effective.


Jason Stuck

Vision Improvement Coach

p.s. Do you have a routine, activity, or vision habit that consistently gives you the best results... one that always seems to help your mind and eyes relax? Let me know which one you like the best.

Mar 08, 2020

Choose to see what is most important in the moment

"Hey Dad... Want to go explorin' in the woods with me? We could take snowshoes and bb guns?"

I've got myself into a bit of a pickle lately.

There's too many things I've put onto my own to-do-list. And trying to get them done... All at the same time.

It's bad for eyesight - and bad for life in general.

If you've been around the vision improvement world a moment, you've heard me talk about Central Fixation.

It boils down to seeing best where you are looking - and not as clear everywhere else.

It turns out, that's how the human eye is designed to see the world. Trouble - and blur - comes when you try to see too large of an area equally clear at once.

That is not how the human eye is designed to see.

Trying to see too large of an area equally clear at once is a strain. It brings stress, fatigue, discomfort - blur.

You lose your visual acuity, clarity, and effectiveness.

This happens with eyesight, and it happens in life...

When you get yourself in a pickle with too many priorities - too many things on your to-do-list - and trying to get to them all at the same time, trying to give them equal energy and attention in the same moment, it's a draining strain.

Instead, take them one at a time. One Thing Best. Then put it away when it's time to Move on to the next. Let it go - and Move to the next.

Central Fixation of the eyes is Central Fixation of the mind.

Thankfully, it all comes down to choice.

And you get to choose where you place your attention.

You prioritize what and where you see best.

And when your 'adult,' 'responsible,' and all important to-do-list is nagging you...

But your son says with eager eyes, "Dad, can we go explorin' in the woods. We can take snowshoes and bb guns."

You know you can Let Go. Be fully present, and See One Thing Best... the thing most important in that moment.


Jason Stuck

Vision Improvement Coach

p.s. At some point, prioritizing the clarity, health, and well-being of vision takes a top rank in the personal to-do-list.

And it can be as simple as implementing a few easy routines and habits into your life.

When you're ready... let me know.

Jan 12, 2020

Lonely mountain road teaches essential lesson of vision improvement and seeing the world in a new way

There's a lonely stretch of road on the southwest side of town that winds through a mountain meadow. The hills above it lined with Ponderosa Pine forests.

Before yesterday, I've never heard anyone talk about that road in any poetic, mesmerizing sort of way.

There are plenty of awe inspiring and breathtaking drives around here. I'm fortunate to live in a beautiful town. But this particular asphalt path does not make anybody's top 10 must drives in Pagosa Springs.

It's just a road, through a neighborhood. No sidewalks. No attractions. No final destination lookout points. Only a means to get from one place to another.

But all it takes is one small shift in routine... or perspective... to see the beauty in the world. The beauty we typically pass by when we're stuck in our ruts of seeing.

Here's what happened, and how you can apply it to improving your eyesight...

A good friend was working on a home in the Meadows (the name of the neighborhood.)

He installs solar power systems.

His truck was in the shop. He had no ride home. After the sun dropped behind the mountain, with fading light and sinking temperatures, he launched out on the long trek home, on foot. A long walk. In the coming dark and cold. Down a lonely mountain road.

When he told me the story though, instead of a 'poor me' rendition of life, he confessed the beauty of the valley. The contours of the land. The contrasting colors of the western sky and the dark timbers on the ridges... the reflection of the rising moon in the snow packed valley floor.

At about half-way, he 'dropped in' on an old friend's house to get warm and say hello. People do not expect walking drop-ins along this particular path, that's for sure.

His walk home was filled with a sense of connection to the land, an appreciation for the people along the journey, and an awe inspiring feeling for 'seeing' the world in a new way. All by a simple change in perspective by the shifting of a routine.

"That's such a beautiful stretch of road. It's like I've never really seen it before. I'm always just driving through. At first I felt bad for myself, without a ride, without my truck... But then, it was such a nice walk. I saw that place... like, as if for the first time. Forced out of my routines sort of gave me a new set of eyes... a new experience of the world. It was refreshing."

You know I'm big on setting up Routines... and Habits... that help improve eyesight. (If you need help with those Routines and Habits of natural vision improvement, let me know, I'll help you get started.)

But there is a certain magic to breaking routines too.

Jan 12, 2020


Shifting habits and taking a different path.

Especially when those routines and habits keep you stuck in a perceptual rut and limit your ability to see the world around you.

Break your limiting routines... go another way... take another path... it will shake you up and wake you up from the bland 'sameness' that blinds you to seeing your world.

Wake up your visual curiosity and enjoy the beauty of your senses, whether it's the marvel of the natural world, or the sharp contrast of deep black ink against the glowing white background of your eye chart.

The world is waiting for you to tune into your perception.

Break through your ruts and wake up your senses.

Peace,Jason StuckVision Improvement Coach

p.s. You have to find your own ruts, routines, and habits to break. Take a look at your typical day. Find places where you can inject a little 'play.' Places where you can change things up, shift things around a bit, and wake up to being present to your visual experience.

For example, have you ever decided to take a walk before bed... in the cold moonlight... without your glasses?

Or gone grocery shopping... with glasses tucked safe away in a pocket or purse?

It can be as simple as taking another route to work, even if it's a little 'out of the way' and notice... notice what you see. How you see. What you see different.

And if you haven tried it yet, just taking off your glasses while sitting on your porch can shift and break the way you habitually see the world. Try it. Take off your glasses. Stay safe, of course... but break your visual ruts by going without your lenses for a while. Remember to breathe. Try it and see what you see. And then, let me know how it goes.

Jan 12, 2020

Why I don't work the piano... or my eyes.

I like it when my eyesight works.

Natural vision is pleasing when it's clear, sharp... that 20/20 thing.

And, it helps me when I 'play' the piano too. Now, I have no idea how to read sheet music, so it doesn't help me there. But it does help me 'play' the piano. I'll explain in a moment.

But notice...

'Play' the piano.

I've never sat down in front of the ivories to 'work' the piano. I mean, maybe folks who are professional... people who are really dedicated to honing their piano playing... maybe they think of it as work.

But not me.

And even if I were professional, I wouldn't want to lose my sense of play.

I like to 'play' the piano. I like to play music. It's fun. It feels good. It makes me feel alive. It's enticing to my mind and body... I can't help but rock back and forth a little, even if I'm sounding simple silly notes.

I also know that if I want to get better, whatever that means, I have to play consistently.

So, likewise, when you are improving your eyesight, don't think of it as work. In fact, that's probably part of the trouble that gave you strained eyesight in the first place.

Eyesight is meant to be effortless.

It's when you try really hard at it... when you 'work' at it... that things get out of balance with the way nature intended for you to use your mind and eyes.

You'd be better off thinking of natural vision improvement as a time to 'play' with your visual world.

To revel in colors, shapes, textures, and the visual 'movement' of the world.

Instead of working at improving your eyesight, pretend you're an artist painting the world in magnificent colors and landscapes.

Let go of so much work with your eyes and head out to visual recess.

Did you ever notice how kids who are tired, listless, and zoned-out in the stuffy classroom all of a sudden spark to life when the recess bell rings?

The run out the door, with hands waving in the air, shouting some kind of gibberish and rhymes... All of a sudden they burst with energy, running aimless laps around the playground, where a few moments before they were dull and rigid.

Take a recess. Play with your vision.

Leave the 'work' of life to other things that actually require work. We both know there's plenty of that.

Just don't get confused and bring work into seeing the world with natural clarity.


Jason 'playing eyesight like a piano' Stuck

Vision Improvement Coach

p.s. When you're eyesight is relaxed, and clear, it improves both your memory and imagination. It also helps you stay loose, enter 'flow state,' and lets you tap into spontaneity and your sense of creativity. So, yes... relaxed eyesight does indeed help you play the piano... or life.

p.p.s. If you want your eyesight to work, then start playing with natural vision improvement.

Jan 12, 2020

Clear eyesight without too much work

You don't need jumping jacks, side bends, sit ups, or even a willful dose of concentration and effort for clear natural eyesight.

Improving eyesight with natural methods is way easier than that.

When I first experimented with vision improvement, I was a young, fit, ready to take on the world kind of guy. Now, I guess I'm a not so young, trying to stay fit, but still want to take on the world kind of guy.

But back then, twenty-some years ago, I'd piggy back vision improvement 'exercises' onto my workout routines.

Run five miles, push through 250 pushups, force sit ups ti'l death seemed imminent, shadow box 20 minutes...and then... take off glasses and throw in some palming and swinging.

I'm sure you can guess, but I didn't have great success with improving my eyesight in those early attempts.

I was doing great with piggybacking vision routines onto already established habits, a wonderful tactic that the Step-by-Step Blueprint for Improving Eyesight Naturally shows you how to do effectively.

But, back then, my flavor and tone were all wrong.

It was too much like another exercise. One more thing to work hard at.

One day, cruising on a ferry boat across the Rosario Strait to Orcas Island in Northwest Washington State (I was accompanied by my beautiful newlywed wife on our honeymoon, but that's a story for another email,) my years of 'failure,' frustration, and struggle with natural vision improvement instantly screeched to a halt.

Failure and struggle instantly stopped... with one thought... with one moment of realization. One aha!

And the path forward...

The way to lasting vision improvement routines, ones that actually worked, popped into clear view.

It wasn't a stroke of genius on my part, nothing of the sort. I just happened to find an almost 100 year old manuscript on vision improvement at a little health food store in Friday Harbor where we were waiting for the ferry.

That book, and the ideas in it, put the process into perspective for me in a way that made sense. I finally got it.

I saw the folly of my previous attempts and why it hadn't worked for me before.

The insights in the book had an immediate impact and my eyesight improved right there on the boat.

What's more, not only did my natural vision 'aha!' help me see better, but it also set my head straight in other areas of life too.

With enough repetition of revisiting the essentials, the lessons seeped into my being until they became 'embodied.' A way of being.

Jan 12, 2020


Vision improvement changed my life.

It improved my eyesight.

It helped me defeat my dependency on glasses... To see the world clearly and navigate with natural eyesight, but it also impacted how I move through the rest of my world in profound and positive ways.

I became less up tight. Quicker to laugh. Less hard on myself and less critical of the world. I stopped trying so darn hard at everything. At least at things that only come from trying easy.

Doing 250 pushups takes trying hard.

I still love pushups, but seeing clearly... and improving your eyesight... seeing 'One Thing Best,' and relaxing visual 'Movement,' only comes from trying easy.

With eyesight, the harder you try, the less you see.

Regaining natural vision is a process of ease. Of learning to Let Go. Relax. Allowing vision and clear images to come to you.

And... to try easy.

Ever since that day, the insights from the ferry have become a kind of life mantra for me.

For sure, I still get stressed out. And when life feels like being stuck on a swirling sinking ship, yeah, I can still slip back into strained habits of staring and trying hard to see.

But in those moments, my eyes become like a litmus for the rest of my world. When they feel strain, it reminds me to come back to ease.

With a few moments of of mindful vision improvement Routines and Habits... I'm back to clarity. Back to breathing and engaged with easy visual Movement.

When you relax your mind, and your eyes, in a way that brings clear natural vision...

You bet it has a positive effect on how you see the rest of the world. Energy that was once tied up in trying hard, and holding breath, and maintaining effort... That energy is allowed to flow, to bring a smile to your eyes. A laugh to your belly. And a sense of ease to your eyes and your life.

Cheers to 're-membering' natural vision.


Jason 'try easy' Stuck

Vision Improvement Coach

Jan 12, 2020

Coffee, cocoa, and cayenne... could they be the next best vision improvement blend?

Winter blasted onto the scene out of nowhere with a strong wind.

Stripping leaves off trees. Dropping snow.

All is bare, white... and cold.

I'm hiding inside, snug in my wool flannel.

There's a pot of chili cooking on the stove, and in my mug...

Steaming, and complex with flavor... coffee, cocoa, and cayenne.

I have no idea if drinking this rich, warming concoction improves eyesight. I want there to be some magical synthesis of cayenne and cocoa that re-builds eyesight to sharp clarity. I want coffee to be the 'new discovered secret' that maintains vibrant, youthful eyes.

My imagination calls me to put another pot on the stove. To nestle back in my spot next to the fireplace. And let my blissful drink restore my battered and strained eyes back to natural clarity.

Make the coffee strong. Steep to perfection in a French press. Once poured, add heaping spoonfuls of cocoa... and just a little bit (a little bit more if you're brave and have built a tolerance) of cayenne.

It will not disappoint. Especially if winter has arrived on your side of the mountain.

If it improves your eyesight though, I want a report immediately.

Wouldn't it be nice? If it were that easy?

To sit back with a favorite drink and sip your way to better eyesight. Some magical synergy of ingredients that does all the work for you. Take this... eat a little of that... drink a bit of this... and you'll be back to youthful eyes in no time.

But that's not how it works.

Diet and nutrition have a part, to be sure. But it's not a missing supplement you need. It's not 6 bottles and a 3 month supply of gelatin pills... get 12 for the price of 9 now before supplies run out!... that you need.


There is a formula...

Jan 12, 2020

Coffee, cocoa, and cayenne cont...

There are ingredients. And they do work together with a synergy that borders on magical. If not magic, certainly wonderful, meaning... full of wonder.

Eat good food, for sure. Eat whole, nutrient dense food. Take the vitamins and supplements you already consider to be best for your body... Those things will give your eyes, and your visual system the physical things they need.

And then... to get back to clear, natural eyesight... is simple and easy.

That feeling of cozy ease...

Of sitting next to the fireplace, cup in hand, mind free of worries...

That feeling of relaxation, when it permeates your visual system... that's what brings clear vision back to your eyes.

The Routines and Habits of natural vision improvement are the ingredients. They're like your cup of cocoa and coffee, whether you like to dance with the fiery side of cayenne or not.

Take the ingredients. Put them together. Steep them into solid habits... add heaping spoonfuls of trying easy... and slowly at first (a little more swift if you're brave,) wean yourself off glasses and those machines of seeing.

When you're ready to let go of visual strain, and regain natural clarity, let me know. I'll help you develop the Routines of vision improvement, and cultivate the Habits that allow for clear natural eyesight.

There are a few one-on-one coaching spots available for November.

Maybe now's the time to take self-care and nurture your eyes back to their natural, relaxed state. Like sitting next to the fireplace, sipping a warm mug, at ease with the world.


Jason 'added a little too much cayenne this batch' Stuck

Vision Improvement Coach

Jan 12, 2020

How getting good sleep helps your eyesight? And why sometimes sleep doesn't matter.

I've been down and out and under the weather this past week. I'll spare you the details, but there's been plenty of dirty snot rags and days laying around in my pajamas.

Usually when I have a head cold, I can't sleep at night.

Lack of sleep only makes things worse. But I found a new trick that's been helping me sleep like a baby. It also helped me move through the head cold a lot quicker, I think.

And the last 3 or 4 nights I've been sleeping like a bear in hibernation.

This morning I woke up, feeling slight guilt for sleeping in so long, but man... I felt good. Completely rested. Ready to charge and take on the day.

It's a stark contrast to waking up tired and groggy. I didn't even realize how tired I usually am when I get up in the mornings.

Sleep is good.

I'll venture to say that we all could use more sleep... more water... spend more time with bare feet on the earth... and more time without glasses.

But is sleep good for your eyes?

You would think, right?

You get better sleep. You're more rested. You feel better and function better. It should help your eyesight too.

Yet... sometimes sleeping does nothing to help your eyesight. You can wake up with more strain and blur in your eyes after a night's sleep.

You can strain your eyes in your sleep.

And most people with poor eyesight do.

However, a few moments practicing the right Routines before bed can make all the difference.

When you prepare for sleep by resting your eyes with the Routines of Vision Improvement, your visual system can rest, and function properly, while you sleep. Keep it up for a few days, and you'll probably have dreams like I had last night.

I vividly remember Sketching the landscape in my dreams last night! Dreaming in perfect clear eyesight.

No wonder I woke up feeling relaxed and rested.

Anyway, include simple Vision Improvement Routines before going to sleep, and see if it doesn't help you sleep better... feel more rested in the morning... and see better.

Peace,Jason 'feels guilty for sleeping?' StuckVision Improvement Coach

Oct 11, 2019

Too busy (Part 3) Coffee Pot technique and finding your 'chunks'

I'm going to tell you about a unique coaching opportunity I'm opening up. It covers the important steps of how to get started in a way so you can't fail. I'll tell you more about it in a minute.

But first, that Coffee Pot technique I told you about.

If you've been following the last couple of days, I've painted the picture of two extremes. A 2 week, time out, vision improvement retreat on one end. (This is a good idea if, and when, you can pull it off.)

The other end starts you off so small - with tiny steps - that you have zero resistance to getting started.

And once you start to feel - and see - positive results, the vision improvement routines become like 'Welcomed Guests' rather than another task to try to fit into an already bloated to-do list.

"A journey of a thousand miles must begin with the first step." Lao Tzu, The Tao Te Ching

Using a single step to get started, and prove the model, is just like yesterday's 'Coffee Cup' story - or the "Case of the Accidental Palming' story.

It was the tiny step of getting started that launched me into a Natural Vision Lifestyle.

And the Coffee Pot technique is a great example of what happens when Natural Vision becomes an integrated part of your everyday.

Every morning, I stumble down the stairs, in the dark... Before the house is buzzing with kids and breakfast spatulas flying in the kitchen, backpacks being stuffed and half-zipped... And I make coffee.

Years ago, my Mom bought me a stainless steel french press. She said I broke too many glass ones. Thanks Mom.

Anyway, I make coffee in my stainless steel french press. I put the water on the stove. It takes about 4 minutes and 32 seconds to heat 32 oz. of water to my preferred coffee temperature where I live at 7,200 ft.

That's 4 minutes and 32 seconds I use to get my day started with Swinging, Swaying, Palming. Or, tuning into the good illusions of Central Fixation and Oppositional Movement. Not scrolling fb, checking my phone, reading emails, worrying about the day, etc.

No, 4 minutes and 32 seconds doesn't take you all the way to All Day natural clarity. But, it gets you started.

Oct 11, 2019

Too busy (Part 3)...

And I easily have about 10 more of those types of 'chunks' of time during a typical day where Vision Improvement Routines just happen. They're habits. I don't think too much about it anymore.

It adds up.

And keeps my vision loose and relaxed.

If I'm lucky, I get to take my coffee to the solitude of a quiet couch. Watch the sunrise for a few through the window. And practice Brush, Breathe and Blink.

That really sets my day for better vision.

Now, you have the same thing in your life. You have 'chunks' of time that could be used for vision improvement... without changing the already established flow of your day.

I know you do.

In fact, I'm so confident that you have hidden gems of time in your day...That if you take me up on my special 'Welcomed Guests' coaching offer... and we don't find ways to implement vision improvement into your day... you don't have to pay anything for the coaching.

But I know we'll get there. You can do this.

The Welcomed Guests session costs $75.

We'll meet on zoom, or phone, and I'll help you find your own version of the Accidental Palming story. You'll come away with a vision improvement plan that will set you up for zero resistance to getting started. And what's even better, it will give you the feeling of relaxation coming back to your visual system.

And help you integrate Routines into your day in a way that sticks over time. And as you start to see results, you'll look forward to your Natural Vision Routines. They'll become Welcomed Guests in your life. And they're a good group of guests to host too.

Start small.

Prove the model.

And before you know it, you'll be fully embraced by a Natural Vision Lifestyle.

There are only 2 spots open for the Welcome Guests session this go around. And looking at the calendar, I'm not sure when I'll be offering it again. I'm just not certain at this point.

So respond today if it is something that interests you, and I'll get you all the necessary details when I get back in to the computer this evening.


Jason 'breaks glass coffee pots' Stuck

Vision Improvement Coach

p.s. This training only works if you already know and understand the Routines to begin with. It will help you find the ways to fit them into your life that guarantees you won't fail. You have to already know the Habits and Routines.

But if you don't... Don't worry. I won't leave you out. If you want to join me for one of the limited Welcomed Guests sessions, and you don't know the Routines and Habits yet... I'll make sure you do. One way or another, I'll make sure you get what you need to benefit from the session.

Let me know today so I can get you scheduled.

Sep 26, 2019

Too busy for vision improvement (Part Two) The Coffee Pot technique

So, you didn't shout out that you're ready for the 2 week retreat plan from yesterday's email.

I get it. You're probably kind of like me. Busy.

Too busy to take 2 weeks, or even 3 days, out of life. It'd be nice, but maybe it's not in our cards right now.

Thankfully, there is another way.

It's just as effective. Maybe even more so.

I call it the 'Coffee Pot' technique. I love coffee. A large part of my present day vision improvement revolves around my coffee pot.

Important disclaimer... You do not have to drink coffee to make this work.

But, here's a little story to show you what I mean.

In the early days of my eyesight improvement, I knew what I was supposed to do. I'd already had the 'aha' moment of why vision improvement works. And I had a good sense of how to go about it.

But, I didn't.

I would have told you back then that improving eyesight was high on my priority list. I could have told you exactly how to do it... how it's supposed to work.

Yet... there I was wearing glasses. Still locked into visual strain. I had always felt bad about myself because of my 'weak' eyes - somehow less than, or like I'd been given defective equipment, or something.

But now I felt even worse. Because I knew the way out. I knew the way back to natural clarity. I knew how to improve my eyesight, but I still didn't. I stayed stuck in old habits of glasses and strain.

Looking back, I got held up on the 'bigness' of it all. It was so important to me that I was afraid to fail. I had a false idea that it would take a lot of work. And be really hard. I had to do it perfect (a bit of a myopic view of the world, by the way.)

I pushed vision improvement out into the future to, "One day, I'll get to that."

It's scary to take your glasses off.

I was afraid of not being able to see. I was intimidated by the bigness of the task... making the time to do everything. There I was. I wanted it. But I was scared to take off my glasses. Afraid of not seeing. Scared to fail.

Sep 26, 2019

(Part Two) continued...

But then, something happened. Kind of by accident.

I got bored one morning. It was a rare occasion where I had a few odd minutes to wait on the rest of the family, and I didn't have anything I had to do for a few.

I sat at my desk. With my cup of coffee.

Took off my glasses... And palmed.

Nothing big. Nothing intimidating. Just a small step to palm for a minute or two. And I could feel the tightness in and around my eyes let go. It ached. But it ached good. A release.

I knew I was on to something. It was working.

From then on, I couldn't help but find myself doing vision improvement routines during the odd moments of my day. Because it felt so good. And I was seeing, and feeling, results.

What started off as a small 'baby' step, snowballed into a full on natural vision lifestyle.

Before long, I was going without my glasses, and seeing clear-er and clear-er.

What was even more exciting, I felt an inner shift. My perspective on the world loosened up. Things didn't seem like such a big deal. I stopped being so darn hard on myself... for my eyesight, as well as other areas of life. It was like the act of taking small steps to release visual strain, and allowing myself the space and room to either mess up, or get things right, either way...

It took a load of stress off my whole being, including my eyes.

If you have poor eyesight, you probably 'get' what I'm saying.

Anyway, the point is... Regaining natural eyesight does not have to be a big, intimidating thing. You don't have to fight with an iron will to see through to results.

You can do this. Even if you're busy.

Start small. And bring the routines into your life in a way that sticks. In a way that's easy to get started.

Tomorrow, I'll show you more about how to do that.


Jason 'I had time to be bored?' Stuck

Vision Improvement Coach

p.s. I guess that story could be called the 'coffee cup story.' Or, the 'accidental palming' story.

I just started palming one day. Bored, sipping coffee, waiting on the rest of the crew. But the Coffee Pot technique... there's more to it.

And it's still part of my everyday vision improvement practice. Tell you more tomorrow...

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